How to Know if You Actually Like the Guy Youre Dating

40 Subtle Signs the Guy You lot Similar Really Likes Yous Back

Good day to overanalyzing his texts at brunch.

hip couple on beach with daisies and blue sky and vw van in sunshine

Wendy Laurel Stocksy

No thing how crawly you are (and can ostend, yous are awesome), knowing whether or not someone likes you is endlessly confusing. Every brush of the paw, spontaneous text, or "Similar" on Instagram can send someone into a spiral of "am I reading into this or is it legit?" It doesn't matter what you expect like, what your beloved language is, or whether yous're introverted or extroverted, deciphering the signs and signals of a potential vanquish is adjacent-level complicated.

And uh, non to be completely gendered hither, just this feels especially true when information technology comes to evaluating a man's thoughts and feelings. Thanks to societal standards, men are more likely to suppress their emotions, which can make dating a guy (or *trying* to engagement a guy) even harder to navigate.

Thankfully, there are some ways to figure out whether or not you're heading to human relationship station. While you could always get antiquated dating communication from your parents, spend hours overanalyzing his texts at brunch with your (also single) friends, or study your astrological compatibility, your best bet is to mind to the pros.

And even though clinical social worker Ashley Starwood says the best movement is to be upfront and "communicate your feelings" to avoid confusion and get some answers, the straight arroyo isn't for everyone. If you'd rather get the ~read the signs~ route before bearing your soul, you've come to the right place. These xl expert-advised signs should help you figure out whether yous've constitute a future husband or have simply entered into a flirty friendship.

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He reciprocates your interest

I of the easiest means to tell whether or not someone likes you lot is to pay attention to their intent, explains Bumble's sex activity and relationship skillful Shan Boodram. Calling when they say they will, not flaking on plans, and reciprocating the time and energy you put into the connection shows intent. "The ways in which they show try may non exactly mirror yours, but exist mindful in their behavior," Boodram says. "Sometimes it is the small, disregarded gestures that go a long manner."

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He engages with your socials

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He posts about you

Not only does this guy accept a quick reflex to ever like your posts, but both Starwood and Boodram say if he posts, reposts, or boasts about you lot on his own social media accounts, it's a sign he's comfy letting others know of his amore for y'all (awww).

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He looks you in the middle

It might seem elementary, but marriage and family therapist Payal Patel says center contact is vital to non-exact advice. "When someone looks yous directly in the eye when you're talking to them, it shows they are present and listening to you," she explains. "It also builds a grade of intimacy between two people."

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He remembers your firsts

Whether it was the solar day your met, your first official date, or the anniversary of your kickoff kiss, Starwood says if he not only remembers your firsts, only celebrates them with a engagement, a souvenir, or a social post, he'southward likely crushing hard.

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He's got a *healthy* chip of jealousy

Nosotros're not talking most snooping, stonewalling, or other cherry flag behavior here. But Starwood says a lilliputian jealousy if some other guy flirts with y'all or tries to ~move in~ on you lot shows "he wants you all to himself." Too, hullo, if he communicates his feelings maturely, that's some other *chef's osculation* sign he'southward worthy of your love.

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He checks in during the day

Whether information technology's a normal mean solar day or you take something big going on (like a test or presentation at work), Dr. Overstreet says if he consistently reaches out, it non only means he's thinking almost you at present, but he's taking note of your time to come mood/response to life events.

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"But because" gifts are a thing for y'all

Okay, we don't mean diamond necklaces or exotic vacays (though that would be cool?), but Dr. Overstreet says if he buys your favorite candy at the grocery store or picks upwards some flowers on his mode to your identify, that's a good sign his feelings are stronger than friendship.

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He takes care of yous

Bonus points if information technology's without you asking. Boodram says "whether information technology's medicine for a stuffy olfactory organ or a walk around the park to clear your head after a stressful solar day," stepping up to care for you shows his feelings are deeper than surface level.

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He checks things off your to-exercise list

Commonly known as the "acts of service" love language, Boodram says to be on the lookout if he starts offering to check off some of your to-do list items. "Whether it's running by the grocery store or picking up your dry cleaning, anything that takes the burden off you for the day/calendar week shows he really cares," she explains.

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Making y'all express mirth or grin is his M.O.

Cue the rom-com vibes. Love and human relationship coach, Dr. Lurve says him clearly going out of his way to make y'all giggle is a classic "he likes you" sign. If he's not afraid to exist silly for the sake of your smile, in that location's probably more than friendship under his jokes.

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He sticks up for you

Information technology's easy to be sweet to someone during proficient times, only Dr. Lurve says if he supports you during difficult times, it shows his involvement in a deeper bond. "Something you desire in your corner is a partner who volition stick up for y'all no thing what," she explains. "Whether yous become part of a confrontational situation with him or someone says something to him nigh yous when you lot're not around, if he stands up for you, it shows his loyalty to you and your connection.

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He cleans up

If he makes an try to tidy upwardly his infinite for y'all, sex coach and educator Sara Tang says information technology's a sign he wants to "present his best cocky" to yous. Clearing upward his physical space shows he wants to impress you lot and more importantly, that your impression of him matters.

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And he spruces himself upward

Merely like cleaning his space points toward wanting to impress you, Tang says so does putting an effort into preparation himself. This could be dressing up, styling his hair, wearing cologne, etc. That doesn't hateful he'due south got to wear a tux every time y'all're together, but if he clearly spent some time primping before casual hangs, he'south probably feeling something more than friendship

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He asks thoughtful questions

If he asks questions that skip past the usual small talk and help you engage on a deeper level, Tang says that shows he'southward not only a good listener but too actually curious about you. Instead of the typical "how was your day?" or "what practice you do for a living?" he might inquire what you're passionate almost or where your dream vacation spot is.

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He'due south vulnerable around you

Both Tang and Patel concur, if he's vulnerable effectually yous, information technology ways he feels comfortable in your bond. Pay attention if he's willing to talk nearly personal issues or openly shares his emotions (fifty-fifty the difficult ones) with y'all, as it's a sign he trusts you lot and your relationship.

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He hangs out with your friends

When you engagement someone, y'all're also kind of dating their friends. Starwood says if he'southward willing to become to parties, dinners, and/or nights out with you and your pals, information technology's probably a sign he's more than invested than a casual hookup.

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He respects your boundaries

Commencement of all, boundaries are 5 important in whatsoever relationship. Just if you've been clear about not kissing on the get-go appointment or not having sex and he completely honors that, Patel says it means he cares for you and respects you. "Even by him asking 'can I buss you?' shows he respects your boundary rather than just going for it," she explains.

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He asks you lot for advice

A perk of dating someone is you kind of go a built-in source of advice. Starwood says if he asks you for help or opinion nigh things in his life outside of your human relationship—like work, his family unit, or even what to wear to an consequence—he values you and your input, which means he views you lot as more than just a casual thing.

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He mirrors your body language

Body language is, similar, everything when it comes to dating. So if your guy imitates your gestures or speech communication patterns, then that'due south a subconscious sign that he's interested in you, says sexual health and health good Tatyannah King. "He wants to gain mutual trust and create a connection."

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He wants to see y'all during the day

When a man is interested, he'll make plans with you exterior of the typical Fri night and booty phone call hours, confirms King. "He'll make plans to do afternoon activities like hiking, a picnic on the beach, or a coffee shop date considering your visitor and personality appeals to him," she says,

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He brings y'all to family unit gatherings and events

If he'south ready to talk to his mother about you lot, that'due south a five good sign: "He's interested in integrating you into his family or social circumvolve," says Rex.

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He remembers small details or things you told him

Pay close attention to assess if someone is listening to you just to reply or actively listening to you lot because they care. "The deviation is hard to spot, merely maybe he'southward remembering details yous mentioned previously or request you deeper questions about what you just shared," says relationship and intimacy coach Azaria Menezes.

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He encourages you to do that one thing you lot've been wanting to try

Maybe you desire to train for a marathon. Peradventure you want to go back to school. Whatsoever it is, he wants you to thrive. "When someone motivates you and supports you lot to do the things that best support your growth and happiness, yous know they have your all-time involvement at heart," says Menezes.

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He's down to programme vacations with you

When you bring upward some place you lot've always wanted to become or some thing yous've always wanted to try, he responds with something like, "Yeah, we should definitely exercise that!" It's subtle, simply once yous notice information technology, you lot discover information technology.

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He'll happily watch 'The Bachelor' with you

And aye, that includes the Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise, and whatsoever else the geniuses behind Bach Nation come with. He may not honey information technology, but information technology's something you beloved (too hello, wine for 2 hours), so he'south happy to join you. It's what Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland do every week, and they're literally engaged now. What better sign exercise you demand?

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He helps you movement

This is honestly more than a sign that this dude wants to ally you, because helping someone movement is the worst thing you can do, and it takes some truly special feelings to pony upwards for this. And then if y'all have to move to a new apartment and the guy you've been seeing is down to "help if you demand," y'all are essentially engaged (kidding, only he def really likes you lot).

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He *encourages* couple selfies

Equally in: When y'all whip our your phone, front-facing camera already open in Instagram Stories, he pops in frame to cheese alongside you lot rather than hiding behind you lot like a scared toddler. A dude who's into yous doesn't intendance whether all your followers see, non just your "close friends."

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He never says anything well-nigh "spending too much time together"

Here's something crazy: When someone likes you, they want to spend time with you lot. Yes, all people need some lonely time. But a guy who gets weird when you ask to hang out more than than once a month probably doesn't like you, at least not in the mode you like him. When he's into you, he doesn't count how often you lot're hanging out, and he certainly doesn't give you grief for it.

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He puts at least a little care into what yous do together

You're non just sitting on someone'due south couch, eating takeout and watching TV (although that's not bad also). He's trying to impress you by doing things like taking you lot to the park on a squeamish 24-hour interval or going for ice cream because ice cream is great and information technology's fun to eat with someone you like.

Hannah writes about health, sexual practice, and relationships for Cosmopolitan, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Rachel is a full-time freelance writer covering everything from the best vibrators to the best TV shows to watch with your family unit.

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